and struggle with IBS, diarrhea, acid reflux, constipation, bloating and gas, abdominal pain, leaky gut…
The health of all GI tract organs is essential. Our digestive system starts with the mouth and goes way down. Most digestive processes involve the interaction of several organs and occur gradually as food moves through the alimentary canal
Mouth: How is the mouth's health, teeth, sense of taste, and enough saliva? Are you chewing food thoroughly? Saliva contains amylase, so the chemical breakdown of carbohydrates starts in the mouth.
Stomach: Does your stomach produce enough acid and enzymes to break down food? The chemical breakdown of proteins begins in the stomach. After digestion food releases into the duodenum as chyme. Stomach juice is acidic and possesses antimicrobial functions.
Pancreas: Is your pancreas producing a sufficient amount of digestive enzymes (lipase, protease, amylase, nuclease) to prepare chyme for absorption?
Liver and Gall Bladder: Is your gallbladder secreting enough bile that breaks down fats? The liver produces bile salts, which emulsify lipids, aiding their digestion and absorption. Gallbladder: stores, concentrates, and releases bile.
Small intestine: Is your small intestine healthy and ready for further digestion and absorption? The main function of the small intestine is the absorption of nutrients and minerals from food. Small intestine provides an optimal environment for enzymatic activity. Proteins break down into peptides and amino acids; carbohydrates break down into simple sugars, and lipids break into fatty acids and monoglycerides. The breakdown products, vitamins, minerals, and water absorb into the bloodstream and start working.
Large intestine: Do you have a healthy colon, or are you experiencing constipation. diarrhea, gas, bloating, and abdominal pain? Further breaks of food residues occur in the large intestine, which absorbs water, electrolytes, vitamins, and products of enteric bacteria. Defecation, is the final step in digestion, undigested materials are removed from the body as feces.
Gut Microbiome: How is your gut bacteria composition? It is now well established that healthy gut flora is largely responsible of the host. Some of the most important roles of these microbes are to help to maintain the integrity of the mucosal barrier, produce vitamins including B vitamins B12, thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamin K, and protect against pathogens. Gut microbes are key to many aspects of human health including immune, metabolic, and neurobehavioural traits, produces short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). The major SCFAs produced are acetate, propionate, and butyrate.
Left unmanaged, gut problems raise your risk of not only GI tract problems but problems like autoimmune disease, brain degeneration diseases, heart disease, stroke, and more.
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