Low Thyroid Function
Are you looking for support for your thyroid?
Come to us for a thorough thyroid examination, and we will order comprehensive tests to evaluate the cause of your thyroid problem.
Do you know that one out of 10 people suffers from thyroid dysfunction, half of which go undiagnosed.
Most people with hypothyroidism can take thyroid hormone medication but still suffer from fatigue, weight gain, depression, constipation, dry skin, hair falls, cold hands and feet…..
The most common cause of hypothyroidism in the United State is an autoimmune disorder called Hashimoto’s disease, in which the immune system attacks and destroys thyroid gland tissue. Hashimoto disease should be treat as an autoimmune disease. Except that, there are many different patterns of low thyroid function, only one of which can be resolved with thyroid medication. Hypothyroidism involves not only the gland itself but other organs and systems. Low thyroid affects bone metabolism, fat burning, high cholesterol and male reproduction.
The thyroid is very sensitive to the slightest alterations in the body and, in turn, impact to other body systems. It looks like a vicious cycle. Irregular immune function, brain chemistry, poor blood sugar metabolism, gastrointestinal disorders, liver and gallbladder function, adrenal problems, anemia, hormonal imbalances significantly depress thyroid function. It looks like alteration in thyroid function depletes body systems and organs.
The brain secretes thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which regulate secretion the thyroid hormones T4 (thyroxine) and T3 (triiodothyronine). The thyroid produces 93% of T4 and 7% of T3. The body converts T4 into T3 which is used by all cells nuclei and switch on or off genetic control. The thyroid hormones are primarily responsible for the regulation of metabolism.
Hypothyroidism is the condition that results from under-production of thyroxin by the thyroid gland either because the gland is naturally underactive or because radioiodine therapy or surgery for an overactive gland has resulted in underactivity.
Most conversions of T4 into T3 happened in the liver (60%). This conversion depends on liver health. The intestines convert about 20% of T4 into T3 but only in the healthy gut and presence of enough healthy intestinal microflora. Thus, the health of many body systems including thyroid, depend on health of liver and gastrointestinal tract .
A tight relationship exists between thyroid and adrenals. Chronic adrenal stress affects communication between the brain and the hormonal glands, Low thyroid function is almost always secondary to adrenal stress, low or high blood sugar, leaky gut.